Miller Music Creations is now offering an annual subscription service alongside its current business model. As a subscriber, you would have FREE ACCESS TO ALL CURRENT AND FUTURE LITERATURE IN OUR CATALOG for your chosen subscription type. You can download just the pieces you want or build up an arsenal of sheet music for your program, while still enjoying all the perks/benefits of purchasing from us that you've come to love.
As educators/leaders of school ensembles or community groups, we've all likely encountered this scenario: We come across a piece of music we absolutely love, but we don't have enough funds in the budget to program it. We either have to wait for the money to be replenished (and risk the piece being out of print) or pay out of pocket. Or worse, we look for a "free" version, which may or may not be legal (subjecting us to copyright litigation) or contain viruses that destroy our computers when downloaded. With a subscription, you wouldn't have to worry about that happening
Currently, subscriptions are only available for Band literature (including flex scores). Orchestral/choral subscription plans are coming soon.
Learn more about subscriptions, or select a subscription and begin your journey today.
Choose Your Subscription PlanSubscription FAQs*This number represents the value of all pieces that you'd be able to get with the Band Lit Bundle. This number will change as more compositions get added to our catalog.
**Scores must be for the same ensemble as your subscription. For example, if you have a Beginning Band subscription, you will not be able to download choir listings for free.
***Year from the date you purchased a subscription.